Winning in a Sellers Market: Buying in an Inflated Market

Are sellers really winning in today’s market? By now, most are aware of today’s housing market crisis. It’s been a struggle for a few years, and today I won’t get into the multiple reasons why. The biggest problem is inventory. “We would need to nearly double our available inventory to get to a balanced market.” says Joe Horning – 2023, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Wisconsin REALTORS® Association in the June 2023 Home Sales Report.
It’s a seller’s market! Sellers should be excited, right?! Are sellers making gobs of money? Well, that depends on the seller’s next move. While you can enjoy the proceeds from a higher home sale, you’ll need those additional proceeds to buy your next home, so it’s a “wash” in many scenarios.
“The tightest supply of homes is in the $350,000 or lower price range, which really hits the first-time buyers hard.”, says Horning. <– THIS is what brings me to the opportunity. Do you own a home worth $350,000 or less, AND do you want to upgrade to a home of greater value? Your opportunity to take advantage of today’s market is prime! Now is the time. There must be a term for this $350,000 “magic mark” in the real estate market. If you know what it is, please tell me. I’m fascinated with finding this advantage point. It’s exciting for me to find that opportunity for my buyers and sellers.
Still not sure whether this is for you? Additionally, do you want to know what you’re home is worth? I’ll be happy to swing by and give you my opinion. Here’s how to reach me. It’s not complicated. I like to listen to what you love about your home, take a tour of each room, and gather key facts. From there, I’ll look at recently sold properties (comps) that compare well with yours, put them into a report, and share it with you a day or two later along with my recommendations.
I really believe that knowledge is power, and I’m here to help you get it. Lately, I’ve been doing more of those Comprehensive Market Analyses (CMA) than usual. I know not everyone’s looking to sell their place, and that’s completely fine. What’s great about my job is that I don’t have to use pushy sales tactics. Instead, I’m here to be a reliable and knowledgeable source of info for you.